We just got back from a wonderful trip in St. George, Utah. We spent 3 days and 2 nights in the very hot (dry heat!) desert oasis. There, we spent time with Callee's family as well as with each other. I dare say that we did come away closer to one another, yet there is always the tendency to slip back into old habits; I hope we do not slip back into old habits, especially when there was a lot of growth and progression.
That being said, one of the most memorable parts of this trip was the family discussion. During the discussion, Callee's father, Dallan, wanted to express his heartfelt concerns regarding where we, as a family, are going, and how to get all of the family there. Dallan mentioned that he is very amazed and dumbfounded at the amount of evil creeping into the lives of the Saints. It is nearly the point in this world's history when wickedness will enter into the lives of the youth of the Church. I couldn't help but think that what is important is to be at the ready and keep a weather eye out for when the storms touch down. I do not have children but want to be not just prepared, but knowledgeful of options, what to do, how to handle, and have the courage to proceed during each storm. I hate to think that my children will go astray, seeking out forbidden paths that lead to waters of filthiness, and that their journeyings could have been prevented had I done something different, or not done something period. It really makes you think, laying out the eternal perspective.
Callee and I want to put forth a foundation for an eternal family now, before we build up a posterity unto ourselves. To do this, we are going to do many things now and in the future. I would like to strengthen the tent pole of our family tent by putting up pictures of the Savior, temples, doctrines of the gospel, etc. The daily reminders are what can trigger thoughts and feelings, emotions, memories of what the Lord has done. I find it interesting that Alma the younger was told by the angel to "remember the captivity of [his] fathers." As you continue reading throughout the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, those who were able to overcome all things kept in remembrance the captivity of their fathers and the great things the Lord did for them. I guess this is also another starting point for us. As you can read, the family meeting went very well and was productive.
The rest of the trip was very fun. We got to see The Dark Knight again, this time in regular format, and I have to say, it was better the first time. I have a theory, that the first time you watch a movie is more for eye candy and entertainment, than for fully understanding and appreciating the movie. I picked up a bit more this time around. First, I discovered what Commissioner Gordon said about Batman at the end. He said that Batman was not a hero but a watchful sentinel, a Dark Knight. He said that Batman was not the hero that Gotham needs but the hero that Gotham deserves. This means that the hero you deserve is the hero that is best suited and matched for you, who will help you to grow. The hero you need is the hero that will fix your problems for you, leaving little room for you to learn how to overcome your problems. Batman is about striving to create a world where there is no crime. This can only occur if the people choose this path and actively pursue. In the movie, Bruce says that Harvey Dent did more good at cleaning up the streets of Gotham City than Batman did, and he did it without a mask. But Batman was the catalyst of putting hope back on the streets, as well as allowing a way for people like Harvey Dent to step up. This is the significance of Batman and why he is needed. I love this movie. I am excited for the third installment!
When we drove down there, I was sick and Callee took on the daunting challenge of driving 5 hours straight while I lay near helpless in the seat beside her. On the way back, Callee was the one who was sick and I got to drive. My arms are achy from the driving and I can't imagine how Callee felt, being stuck in a car, with an achy body and pounding headache, and having stomach problems. In the end, it worked out for the best. We are safe at home and resting now. On this trip I prayed often that everything would be fine, as well as what His will was for me on this trip. I know that Heavenly Father healed me on this trip and watched over every car and everyone. Heavenly Father does live, Jesus in the Christ, they both appeared to Joseph Smith, and the Holy Ghost testifies of this.