When I came home tonight, I started to undo my gi top. Callee glanced over, fixed her eyes on my chest, her eyes widened. She said, "Wait Duncan, take off your top". I did as she walked over and said "Wow, you are so hot, I love you going back to karate"! I was quite shocked. When she came to pick me up from practice she said, "You look happy". I never realized what kind of impact KDS had on my personality and my life. I feel like Superman returning to see his old friends the Legion of Superheroes.
If you ever get a chance to read Geoff Johns' run with the Man of Steel, you will not be disappointed. Everything Geoff Johns writes resonates with you, like you become part of the story. Or better put, you get sucked into the story and become a part of it. It reminds me of having the smell of summer in your clothes after you've been outside for awhile.
Well this week is for new beginnings for me. I am returning to karate, writing in my blog, studying Japanese, drawing, and getting back to the never-ending search for grad programs.